
The Charity’s main aim is to raise funds to establish a hub for community-based educational initiatives at the School in order to provide access to education to the most vulnerable children in the community. Unfortunately, the mind-set of some communities within this district still makes it incredibly difficult for all girls to access education. However, the founder’s father was a progressive thinker and did not agree with this cultural thinking. He was determined to ensure his ‘girls’ (daughters) were never disinherited or unappreciated. In 2011, he decided to distribute his farm land to all his children regardless of their gender. This ensured his wishes were respected in a culture where girls are considered as not deserving of any inheritance or education.

The founder was therefore inspired to build on the legacy of her late father and also to maintain his progressive way of thinking by opening a school – Willow Nursery and Primary Schoolon the inherited piece of family land. In addition, the founder wanted to educate the community on the benefits of education for all children, and especially for girls.


Founded 2016

REN Intl is a small UK registered charitable organisation that raises funds to support and guard the founding vision of eradicating rural illiteracy in Koch-Lii, Nwoya District in Northern Uganda. The Charity and the School were both founded in 2016 by Moreen Pattison.

Our Vision

A school that offers an irresistible invitation to learning and where pupils are motivated to learn to attain high standards. A friendly school where staff feel appreciated, successful and where learning is an exciting adventure. A school where traditional values of hard work, courtesy and good behaviour is still a strong belief. A school that sets no limits on education and where learning is a preparation for life.

Our Mission

To establish a secure, happy and stimulating learning environment in which all children have the opportunity to achieve their full potential academically, socially, emotionally and physically.

Our Team

Moreen Pattison Founder & CEO


Peter Hockley     Trustee

Mike Ochira Head Teacher – Willow School

UK Address

Rural Education Network Intl, 39 Sher Afzal Close, Cowley, Oxford. OX4 2FA UK.

Uganda Address

Willow School, Langele Parish, Pakawera Village, Koch Lii, Lii Sub County. Nwoya District, Northern Uganda.




REN Intl is registered in England and Wales Certificate Number 1186152


